Top 5 cheesiest love songs ever

It’s this time of the year again….Horribly cheesy pink hearts are everywhere, in the chocolate section of the supermarket (normally your favourite spot), on bus adverts, on the TV toothpaste ad (!!). You can’t really avoid it…You really want to avoid it… But but Valentine Day is on a Saturday this year! Damn it! Now…

Hinds, a breath of fresh air to rock’n’roll

I stumbled across the band Hinds (formerly Deers) a couple of months ago. It took me by surprise, like a brisk fresh wave in the sea. The band started with Madrid-based Ana and Carlotta before adding to their line-up drummer Ámber and bassist Ade. Their music is fresh, raw, funny. It is everything that is missing to rock’n’roll today. Hinds goes…

You may, might, should see Ought live

When you go to big bands concerts, you often forget where all these artists start. You assume any artist would have a crew that goes on stage before the concert  to prepare the equipment while the band is enjoying champagne in the backstage. Not true. Ought is a relatively new band that formed in Montreal.…